In Dialogue
Issue #2
April - July, 2020
FREE Digital Tabloid Published by Grizzly Grizzly
In Dialogue was originally intended to focus on our gallery and offsite projects, and was to be distributed in public sites around the city and at our monthly First Friday event. When it became clear that First Fridays would be on hold for the foreseeable future, we decided to bring part of that greater community into the virtual pages of our publication.We are excited to present this issue of In Dialogue, which includes an essay by Mary Salvante on Imin Yeh’s February exhibition, contributions from Jordan Deal, Halle Ballard and Sidney Mullis, whose projects were postponed due to the shutdown, and updates from members of Space 1026, one of the groups Grizzly Grizzly is partnering with through our Added Velocity Grant. This issue also contains thoughts from artists from near and far who shed light on our current situation.
Support provided by Temple Contemporary at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture with generous support from the William Penn Foundation.
Mysterious Entities
Laura Splan, 2020, Mysterious Entities, editioned print
In 2018, Laura Splan began cataloging the socio-politically fraught metaphors and metanarratives used to explain biology. During the COVID-19 pandemic, her catalog has expanded as the media grasps for new analogies to explain the science behind the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in lay terms. In these narratives, characters cast in roles that rely on an imbalance of power become interchangeable and interconnected. “Mysterious Entities” interrogates these antagonistic paradigms as they resonate in new ways in the midst of both national and global crises.